
While my iron heats up:

I'm redoing the hem on my coat. Once that's done I'll post a zillion pictures--I'm so proud of everything but the hem right now!
I have recently been really fascinated by Colette Patterns, since the creator just put up a free mini bloomer pattern that you print out just like a BurdaStyle pattern...
Aren't they darling?
I can only imagine how cute your tush looks if you felt asleep in these as pajama shorts...ooo those give me the heebie jeebies! And you only need a wee bit of satin...flannel backed perhaps? YES.
As for the rest of the site, Colette sells beautifully revamped vintage-feel patterns, all modeled in 40s and 50s glam and adorable fabric. And look--curves! I am a big supporter in the idea of size healthy and using all types of body shapes for modeling clothes...as long as the person looks good in them!
The Macaron pattern is my favorite. If I bought any, it'd be that sucker. That faux strapless look would be hideously gorgeous with a top of chiffon. *Deep sigh* But that particular fabric love affair is for another day....
Aren't the models absolute bombshells? And just think--anyone from size 0 to 18 can look fabulous in them!
Anywho, back to ironing. The hem is improving!

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