
CTF: Out of Season

I'll be launching a new series of posts--Cute Thrifted Finds--because I have no knowledge if I will be sewing again in the near future. With my new job and family stuff, I really enjoy just relaxing, because I don't get a lot of opportunities to do so!
But one thing I have become addicted to is thrifting. I have no idea why. Possibly because I found a few near really wealthy areas, so all their unworn crap is stuff I wouldn't be able to afford anyway! I've found a lot of gems so far, so I thought I'd share my favorites with you!

Pendleton plaid wool coat
Savers, $9.99

I don't like to brag about the prices I find these steals at, but I'll include them just so you know! Today was my first trip to a Savers before (we don't have one near us, but it just so happens my mom and I passed one on the way to her summer seminar, so I  took the car during the break and found this lil number!), but it was nice to see some fresh pieces! Normally I shop at the Goodwill and local thrift stores, but Savers had better shoes and outerwear. Not so much on the tops and bottoms though. In any case, still brands I can't afford if I look hard enough.

I know it's not anywhere near winter, but I immediately loved this coat. It's so thick and heavy and bright when you wear it! It doesn't even look like it's been worn before. It's a bit long on my petite frame, so I may have the tailor chop it, but come on. It's Pendleton! It'll last forever! I'm so looking forward to wearing it on campus in those gloomy winter months! As for now, I just slipped it on really fast for the picture before I started sweating bullets...gross.

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